Pepper Spray is a vehicle anti Hi-Jack systems available for cars and trucks!
The Pepper Spray is pressurized in a canister with a easy accessible press button that can be activated when in danger with nozzles based on both sides of the vehicle.
The Pepper is vaporized to ensure a large cover area to ensure the attacker is covered in a oil based Pepper spray giving the driver valuable time to drive away from the danger situation.
Up to 6 x short (2 sec) burst sprays can be achieved or 2 long (4 sec) sprays can be achieved with our large size cannister.
We offer different size canisters, depending on your personal requirements.
Prices depending on system pressure and canister size:
2 nozzle system - up to 4 available sprays - R7950 vat incl
4 nozzle system - up to 6 available sprays - R9950 vat incl
8 nozzle system (Cash & transit vehicles) - up to 10 sprays - R15950 vat incl
Comes in a complete kit included the canister, pressure switch, wiring, piping, connectors and jets
Canister needs to be serviced and refilled after used @ R1500 Vat incl
Price include VAT, but exclude fitment / courier costs