About Us
What separates AmadaXtreme from the rest
Our heavy duty shock absorbers and suspension systems are built to an extremely high standard and we offer the best possible backup service in the industry.
Our approach is personal.
We work with our customers to establish the best solutions for them and we provide superior product support. Our aim is to help educate, inspire and solve problems for our customers. Please feel free to contact us directly:
Cobus Böhmer
Cell: 071 641 7947
Email: cobus@amadaxtreme.co.za
AMX 4x4 Accessories is proud to announce that we are now the Sole South African Distributor of the Race proven AmadaXtreme shocks.
These High Quality Shock Absorbers are manufactured in Thailand and Japan using only the best quality steel and alloy available. AmadaXtreme have the proven race wins behind them spanning back 10 years’ worth of racing.
AmadaXtreme has built, designed and developed a high quality suspension system to combat the harsh African terrain and road conditions for approximately 30 years using only quality parts manufactured in Japan and Thailand. The dedicated research and development team has excelled in the fine tuning of shock absorbers, coil and leaf springs and components, and is constantly reviewing the performance of the systems in order to stay in touch with changing operational conditions and technological improvements.
AmadaXtreme is working in partnership with AMX 4x4 Accessories to design / build and valve these shock absorbers to suit the South African vehicles and their harsh environment.